Essence of Being a Marine and Our Birthday

The bond is great and the tradition is enduring.  It is hard to explain, it has to be felt.

Here is a personal story on this great day.  About a year ago I read a note on our fox website from a grunt who just wanted to say thanks.  He had been at Baldy when we were there and remembered the fox logo on the medevac aircraft.  He was a radio operator at times and used to talk to the birds.  He originally thought that our logo was a wolf or a coyote.  Anyway he was taken back by the "give a shit" motto.  He thought it meant "don't give a shit" about anything.  And it wasn't until he looked into it more that he figured it out that it meant "we gave a shit about them".  That happened 28 or so years after he encountered the foxes for the first time in Vietnam. To make this long story short, I sent him an email and thanked him for his kind words about us.  Turns out he lives in Seattle area.  We got to communicating.  Since then we have met.  He was in town for business and stayed over specifically to meet up.  I met him on the cruise boat I drive.  I took him out for a dinner run and we conversed for about 4 hours all toll, we had a few at the local watering hole afterward as well.  The point I am making is that there was an instant connection and bond with this marine, for both of us.  I am sure we will spend many more hours together.  So today it is fitting to get teary eyed over our brother marines and the great brotherhood we are members of.  And it is fitting to wish that the spirits of those who have died are with us today as well.  I am happy today that I am able to spend my Sunday Morning in prayer for all marines past, present and future.

Semper fidelis,
Pat "Swift Chuck" Kenny

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