Our President Earns The Military's Respect

Recently an evening's Special Report with Brit Hume, (hosted by Jim Angle this evening), at the close of the show when they normally have some funny video clip, they showed President Bush and the First Lady on their way to Marine One to leave for Camp David for the weekend.  Jim said "You will see the president notice something unusual on his way to Marine One".

As the video starts, the First Lady is leading the way into the helicopter with the spaniel dog on the leash, and the president is right behind her with the Scotty on the leash.

As the First Lady entered the chopper, the Marine at the gangway saluted and held his salute.  The Scottie the president was walking decided it wanted to squat right when he got to the steps.  The president pulled on its' leash, but the stubborn Scottie persisted in squatting.  The president bent down and scooped up the pooch and entered Marine One.  After he entered the Marine cut his salute and returned to the position of attention.

Moments later the president reemerged from the helicopter and out onto the steps.  The Marine was standing at attention, head and eyes straight ahead.  The president leaned over and tapped him on the left arm.  The startled Marine turned his body toward the president and received his returned salute!

I was so impressed by this true act of respect for our military people by our president!  He really does get it. Most any other person of his stature would have just continued his journey, disregarding the neglected return salute.  Not George W. Bush.  He is earning the respect of the military community, not expecting it - as most would.

Submitted by;
       Warren D. "Dan" Kalas, Colonel USMC(Ret)
