Going Home, 10 April 1968

This picture is of me and Cpl.Fulton "Fuzzy" Allen after arriving in DaNang on April 6, 1968. I will never forget that flight out of Khe Sanh!  The C-130 hit the strip and did a 180 degree turn hardly slowing at all.  "Fuzzy" and I leaped from the trench line along the runway and raced after the aircraft. We could hear the "thunk" of mortar tubes in the distance by now, timing was critical as we ran hoping the aircraft wasn't moving faster than we could run.  The airctaft's ramp was down and we threw our rifles in while crewmen grabbed our wrists pulled us aboard.  I recall the toes of my boots dragging on the runway.  I also remember looking out the back, as the ramp was closing, to see mortar rounds hitting the air strip behind us.
